Ongoing projects

Ambulance for Afrin

Foundation Help Kobane has been committed to helping the children and women of Kobane for 6 years now.
Our current project “Shahba hospital Afrin” is in collaboration with a newly opened hospital in the Afrin region. Over 120 thousand refugees are currently living in the Afrin region with bad circumstances and living areas since the Turkish invasion in 2018.  The Shahba Hospital Afrin, has been in a situation of extreme urgency for almost two years, trying to ensure the best health care that the 120 thousand refugees need and deserve. The Covid emergency added to the already serious problems of the refugees. In the past, Aleppo hospital was helping Afrîn hospital but now the Covid pandemic has made this impossible.
There are 28 doctors and a total of 141 people working in the hospital, but lacking equipment and means of emergency transportation. There is currently an urgent need for equipment in order to guarantee the best assistance to the tens of thousands of refugees already in the camps and to those who continue to arrive.

Foundation Help Kobane will be providing an Ambulance to the hospital to be able to help more people in that area for quicker transportation of those in need. This way the hospital of Afrin can respond faster and provide immediate assistance when needed.

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Future projects

We will do this through supporting initiatives focused on health and education in order to create a just and sustainable society for the future.

Poem by Robertt Frost

Pages of Hope

Stichting Help Kobanê is launching a new project focused on education and literature!

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Women’s Health Clinic

Rojava is a region surrounded by conflict and the ongoing economic embargo makes daily life extremely difficult.

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Past projects

We will do this through supporting initiatives focused on health and education in order to create a just and sustainable society for the future.

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Stichting Help Kobanê strives to strengthen the society of Northern Syria

We will do this through supporting initiatives focused on health and education in order to create a just and sustainable society for the future.

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August 12, 2019

Een nieuwsbericht

We help families raise funds for their adoptions by telling their story to a larger …
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